Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In Which My Mother Turns Me Into A Pre-Packer

For those of you who were readers of my last blog, you probably remember my Panic-Packing-Cycle. Here's a recap anyway:

1. Tell yourself you have a whole day, and that's plenty of time, so don't worry about rushing the packing.
2. Watch a few movies. Or TV. Or read a book. Or play with your cat. Or surf the net. In other words, Procrastinate.
3. Start to think about packing around dinner.
4. Start packing after the kids go to bed and realize you had more to pack than you originally thought.
5. Realize that room in your bag is running out.
6. Panic.
7. Stay up until it's time to go packing. Finish the packing process by the skin of your teeth.
8. Enjoy a well-packed trip!

This is my normal packing habit. I finally accepted my procrastinating packing tendencies, and then what happens! My mother, of all people, turns me into a pre-packer! I don't leave until tomorrow and, with the exception of my clothes that just got done drying, I'm packed. Pretty much completely packed. Sure, I need to zip in my toothbrush and my lipstick, but other than that I'm packed!

Now what am I supposed to do?

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