Monday, April 30, 2012

This Lady is Working Hard

I'm feeling pretty darn important right now. At the moment, I have two companies to work for (part time); they both have hired me.

I might be dropping one.

At first I was going to work both jobs, which, on top of my other two, would mean four jobs this summer. That's a whole lot of job working. Of the jobs that have hired me, one of them seems pretty dang perfect: it's close, they're willing to give me more hours, and they absolutely no problem with giving me Sundays off. A dream job. The other job, however, is in a clothing store in the mall, a place I've been wanting to work at. So do I give up an amazing job for social hour?

The more I think about it, the more the amazing job feels like the right thing to do.

Wish me luck!

What has been your favorite place to work? Was it because of the company, your coworkers, or your customers?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Seasons of Love (of Shows)

Watch out, Chopped, you've got some competition!

I'm now hooked on a new show called Frozen Planet. I feel like it's the perfect show for days like today: hot, humid, cloudy. In winter, though, I don't know if I'd like it so much. I'm either going to shiver on my couch, watching the obscene amounts of snow flurry past my window, or I'm going to pretend I'm a polar bear as I walk to class.

I'm leaning towards the polar bear. Fitz is not amused.

Do you have shows that you like one season (as in Spring, Fall, etc.), but dislike in a different season?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Movie Night!

Scary movies aren't as fun when people are talking all the time through them.

Normally, I don't like scary movies. Fear = adrenaline = nausea, which does not make for a happy Apricot. I would much prefer a psychological thriller that messes with my head than something that makes me afraid to look in the mirror.

It's ironic that my favorite show is Criminal Minds.

Whenever I watch a scary movie, I always have to watch something afterwards in order to get over any lingering fear. And then I change the music I listen to that night (I always listen to music when I go to sleep) to something that will distract me from my fear. If possible, I make sure not to be the last one to go to sleep.

Now, there are exceptions to every rule:
-The Others
-The Eye
-The Village

Note that none of those are really that scary.

Now for some of the movies that will never, under any circumstances, watch again:

Your turn. What scary movies (if any) do you like, which ones do you hate, and how do you get over your post-movie fear?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

On Chocolate

I don't have a sweet tooth, especially for chocolate. What's the big appeal?

Tell me why you love chocolate in two sentences or less.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Miss Representation

I'm watching Miss Representation, a documentary about the misrepresentation of women in America, especially in the media.

Can I curl up and cry now? Because being a woman in America sucks. A whole lot. Especially if you're trying to do something with your life, like becoming something other than a sex toy.

I remember growing up and learning about the presidents, and asking my mother if girls were allowed to be presidents. Yes. Yes, they are.

So, girlies, rise up. Don't let yourself be defined by the ways that the world defines a woman, because they suck, and they're ruled by men (honestly, statistically, they are. I'm not making this up). You are beautiful, I am beautiful, and I'm not just saying this because of the generic lies that do not hide the true meaning of the companies that produce trash that throw us through the mud. They may tell us we are beautiful, but they don't mean it. I mean it.

We have to change this world, one girl at a time.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Very Tired Post (and $30 Bills)

I am very tired, it is very late, and so tonight you get the very tired blog. Which basically consists of me talking about how tired I am.

There was a $30 bill in my dream last night. It took me most of the day to find that odd and realize that they don't exist. Funny how things seem so normal in dreams.Now my life goal is to make a $30 bill.

Also, I have a job interview tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Smiling Profusely

My first time going to Johnny Carino's:

Waiter: Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.
Friend: I'm sorry, I don't have six fingers.

Nights like this make me smile profusely.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Food Network Loves Me

The caterer's never get very far in Chopped. Still, there's always one in every few episodes that thinks that they can make it.

Yup! The caterer on the episode I'm watching right now was the first to get chopped.

I don't think that I can express how much I love this show. It is my favorite show by far, and one of the shows that has taught me the most about cooking. And it's on all the time on Food Network! Food Network loves me!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Problems Rapunzel Never Had

For the past few months I've been wondering whether or not to cut my hair. I love having my hair this short, but I kind of miss long hair. So I'm growing it out, donating it, and then cutting it this short again. This is a good plan.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Strawberry Poptarts

I am eating a strawberry poptart. Right now. As in at this moment I am chewing and chomping away on sugary deliciousness (I'm so sorry, salt! I had to do it! I promise it's only a phase! ...A monthly phase!)

I would like to take the time to express how wonderful my father is (he is the one that saw my post on Facebook and stopped on his way home from work to surprise me with said poptarts). And I also want people to know how much I love strawberry poptarts. I'm choosing this poptart over salt.* They are sweet sugary-ness that proves that, yes, I am human. And a woman. A very womanly human.


*For those of you who were not aware, I love salt more than life itself. I'm addicted to salt like some people are addicted to sugar. It is my dream to get one of those salt wheels and just sit down and lick it. I eat salt straight like that.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Happens When I Make Plans

Nothing today has gone according to plan. I haven't even written anything! My writer's block cropped up, and now I'm in AZ (Artist Zone)! Which is good for my creative juices begging me to let them loose, bad for those job applications that I can't even fake filling out online when I have my open sketchbook in my lap instead of my computer. And then I played the piano for the first time in months, which made my hands super sore.

Maybe I'll leave the couch sometime tonight.



Good morning, my lovelies!

Today I'm planning on going and applying at a call center that I've heard is bound to hire me. If not, it's back to calling temp agencies and fast food applications (I have nothing against fast food, but my heart is directed more to retail). And I'll be applying to FAFSA and other various scholarships. Wish me luck!

Also, more stories are going to be written, including a flash fiction involving disappearing ink. I have no idea what's going to be happening with that one, but it's flash fic, my forte.

I am completely hooked on Florence + The Machine's song "No Light, No Light". Completely. Florence + The Machine's songs/videos/songs+videos always inspire me to write.

Does this post seem like a mish-mash of too many thoughts, none of them fully developed? Welcome to my brain. It's too early in the day to care about editing for fluidity and coherence.

May the day be always for your pleasure!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Job hunting is driving me absolutely bonkers.

After this last semester, I didn't want to so much think about writing a word (which is why this poor blog has been neglected). I've been wanting to create new stories, though, and I finally have the inspiration! My good readers, I am writing again! My passion is reignited! My love for the printed word reigning over my fatigue!

If you could send a word of encouragement, whether about the job hunt or the writing, it would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Callooh, Callay!

Yesterday I filled out applications until I couldn't feel my hand anymore. Statistically, someone's bound to hire me.

Today I got a call that a store wants me to come in tomorrow for an interview. Such a sweet blessing! Wish me luck, everyone!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Summah Summah Summah!

Forgive me, dear readers, for not updating. I was on a cross-country journey home. A fantastic journey, I might add.

School is over. I failed a class (and I'm going to be retaking it.) Quite honestly, I'm glad I didn't pass, because I know I wasn't ready to pass that class. And it was HARD. I gave up and died at the end of this semester (I curse you, winter track with no spring break!).

And now I'm home, and I have five months to work my butt off. Going job hunting tomorrow! Mostly because the idea of staying home and lazing about like I did last summer bores me to tears.

And I'm finally in a state that doesn't threaten snow every other day! Victory!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

One Excited Chica

I've got plans for summer that I'm looking forward to immensely. Some friends and I are deciding to be roommates next Fall Semester.

I am one excited chica.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools

So I've decided to shave my head (getting SO tired of trying to manage my hair). Pics soon!