Thursday, January 10, 2013

Occasionally I Get Addicted To Twitter

And Netflix, and YouTube, and Tumblr, and Gmail, and...well, no, not Facebook. Facebook is kind of meh. I have much more fascinating places to go.

And things to write.

Because, let's face it, I've got a lot of co-writing to catch up on -- but I'm caught up in homework, which is almost good enough to be a consolation prize. No? Oh, okay. I'll go write now.


  1. Yes, you have LOTS of co-writing to catch up on!!! That's a good idea!!! GO WRITE!!!

    No, I'm just kidding. Write when you're ready. There's no rush.

    But keep in mind that while you're procrastinating, Salem is in a coma; Ana is trying to hide within a demon nest without food, water, or sleep; Corinne, Jimmy, Azrael, Salem, and Tindy's whereabouts are up in the air; an army of witches is building across the continent; and I am DYING to read the next letter!
