Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Old Kentucky Home

I don't know what it is about the Kentucky Derby that makes me so emotional. Is it the rousing, heartfelt singing of my state theme? Is it the beauty of the horses, the passion of everyone there, the ravishing greenness of the grass, the egregious amounts of over-sized headgear?

Is there an all of the above option?

I am extremely passionate about my home state of Kentucky. Those of you who know me in person will know that there is no middle ground with me. I either have no feelings about an issue/object/person/thing, or I have ALL OF THE FEELINGS IN THE WORLD THERE IS NOT ENOUGH OF ME TO CONTAIN THESE FEELINGS.

Math and stuff   Nothing here, are you kidding me?     KENTUCKY
                 Well, maybe life goals. They keep     TOM HIDDLESTON
                 fluctuating between I HAVE ALL              
                 OF THE CARES and I don't really
                 care at all.

In reference to the above graph, one can clearly see that my love for my home state and my love for Tom Hiddleston are the same.

That is a whole heckofalotta love. 

*Side Note: All of these writing-in-CAPS reminds me of my job where I am writing things in ALL CAPS about 97.8% of the time. I keep typing these things like I have Real Estate Law Feels. I have no such feels. There is no fandom to be had for me here. Just FYI.

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