Sunday, July 28, 2013

About Time, Isn't It?

It's about time that I started posting things again. Calling my blog "confessional" actually puts on a lot of unexpected pressure on what I post, but I'm deciding to ignore it and post anyway. To help me out, I've got my reliable lists (they're like my Handy Dandy Notebook when it comes to Blogger Writing Block).

1. I am starting to write again. Not just on a blog, or a paper for school, but fiction for fun. I suck at doing anything more than about half a scene, but I'm getting myself back out there, telling the universe that I am ready to start working towards my dream of being a bestseller again. It's surprisingly hard to get back into writing; it's really tempting to just go to Tumblr or something like that and read what other people are writing. Which brings me to my next point.

2. I love blogging. I love this site. I'm wondering, however, whether I should start blogging on a more modern site, like Tumblr. I've tried having multiple blogs before, and I suck at it, so it would be either here or there. I mean, I technically already have a blog there, but it's not a blog blog. It's more of a reblogging of all of the fandom and feminist things that I find and love. I'm not sure what I should do. Any input would be appreciated.

3. I had my second surgery! Everything went exactly the way the doctor expected it to, and I'm on the mend. It'll be two weeks tomorrow (Monday) since my surgery, and the steri strips are starting to come up off of my incision. I got myself a NICE war wound, one that I have been wanting for a long time. I'm in physical therapy now, and it's like going to the dentist, except they seem to like people. The workers there are extremely nice, it's just a painful process to go through.

4. I've also started reading books again. It helps to be moving back up to my room where all of my books are. I've been binging on Vivian Vande Velde -- she writes for a younger crowd (and by younger, I mean younger than 20. More mid-teen range) but she's so witty and clever! Her writing actually reminds me of one of my best friend's writing. That might be why it's so endearing. Either way, she is a highly recommended author. I've regained my love for reading, folks! It's all up from here.

5. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Need I say more? Although not without its social issues flaws, it is a remarkable show with some of my favorite characters from my childhood. Currently, my favorite character is (other than Picard, of course) Lt. Worf. I've been watching so much of this show that I've actually been dreaming about it. No, really. I've had at least two dreams this week starring Star Trek: TNG characters in them (mostly Picard and La Forge, oddly enough).

6. My brothers are back home from their vacation, and I'm so glad! I missed them! Mostly them washing the dishes, but it's missing them nonetheless!

7. Ow. Owowowowowowowow. Ow. Don't be adventurous, guys. Recovery HURTS. 

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