Monday, August 26, 2013

I Might Be Psychic

A great deal of you know that every few weeks, I have really vivid dreams. Now, lately these dreams have been mostly nightmares that have terrified me to the point of panic -- I tend to die very painful deaths in them (that's right, folks. I actually die. And it REALLY hurts).

Now, I recently had another bout of vivid dreams (actually, I'm still having them), and it's turning out to be...well, interesting. They aren't nightmares (thank goodness), but they've just gotten a little odd.

Have two examples:

1. I have a friend. He appeared in my dream one night, and during the dream he pointed out some Star Wars Olympics that were going on. Don't ask me what the Star Wars Olympics are, I don't know, all I remember is a Yoda-like creature on a pretty-dang-close-to-vertical obstacle course. That's beside the point. The point, dear readers, is that when I woke up, I immediately texted him, and he had been playing KOTOR 2 (for those of you unfamiliar with Star Wars video games, KOTOR 2 is an Xbox game, and it stands for Knights of the Old Republic. I'm a fan of the first one, and of that segment of Star Wars history in general. I like it much better than the post-Empirical New Jedi Order era).

2. That dream up above wouldn't really mean anything if this next one hadn't happened. Let me give you a brief character list.

Me - a girl/woman/female entity. I need a little less introduction than these others.
BOY 1 - a boy with who I went on a second date with.
BOY 2 - another boy from the Singles Branch who I find very attractive and witty and smart, and who I had a huge crush on last summer.

DREAM - the dream that I had the night before the second date with BOY 1.
DATE - Joseph-Beth Booksellers, the best bookstore/duck pond around. It's like Heaven on Earth. I could live there for forever.

And now, the psychic event.

In my dream, I am supposed to be going on a date with BOY 1, but I don't want to. It's not because I don't like the guy, I do, he's nice, but I'm in love with BOY 2 and he's in love with me, too, and the dream consists of us trying to hide from BOY 2 and expressing our feelings and trying to kiss. That was it, that was the dream.

So BOY 1 and I are on our date, we've fed the ducks, we're browsing books. Out of nowhere I hear someone calling my name, and I look over to see BOY 2 coming up to us. He was browsing, hanging around to listen to one of the outside musical appearances of a (I presume) local musician. He suggested we go see them. We did.

Now, a few things of note:
1. He called my name, not the name of BOY 1 that he's known for longer.
2. During 98.2% of the conversation, eye contact and conversation was directed towards me, not BOY 1. 

Based on the contents of these dreams and the events on the days directly after, I have no choice but to assume that I am, in fact, psychic. Feel free to come and get a reading, prices will be determined upon request. Payment plans are available.


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