Monday, March 17, 2014

It's 5 am And I Haven't Slept Yet

I keep alternating between writing projects, and I just finished reading a book that really inspired me to start writing again (FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell, if you were wondering), but I feel that everything that I write is complete and total crap (which I've heard is normal among writers). I keep asking if I need to change genres, change writing styles, or just keep plundering through in the hopes that maybe this project will be the one to catch on.



What the heck am I doing up at 5 am?? I'm test driving a car tomorrow (no, wait, today) and I'm nervous as heck (I shouldn't be, Dad's coming along to test drive it, too, which means I will probably wheedle him into driving at least half of the test drive). There's snow on the road, which I've never actually driven on, and I'm really hoping that this is THE CAR (even though it's not a Chevy Impala, which I loved way before I started watching SUPERNATURAL) and that I can get it this week and move out by the end of this week.

Wish me luck!


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