Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1,500 Words

All of you who know me know that I am, by nature, a creator of stories. I love molding worlds, and characters, and storylines into greatness. I used to be able to sit down at a computer and crank something out, no matter how terrible it might have been. Lately, though, I am completely stumped the minute I try to write something. 

So here's my summer goal to better myself. Every day (starting tomorrow), I am writing 1,500 words.Per day. Yeah, I went there. No, it's not Camp NaNo yet.

 For now, it's going to be working on a new story. Hopefully, by cranking out these words I'll at least get back into the knack of writing. And it's training for when Camp NaNo comes around.

I'm now taking applications for cheerleaders and potential readers.

1 comment:

  1. I can (try) to help. I really hope you will do well.
