Friday, August 10, 2012

Spiritual Chex Mix

I work really inconvenient shifts at work that start right as I get hungry (because I can't be a normal person and get hungry right when I get up. That would be too easy) and go on until I'm about ready to chomp someone's head off and then my boss sends me on lunch break.

Luckily, I have found a solution to this.

I keep a bag of Chex Mix (the Bold flavored kind) at work, and usually it takes me a week to snack down on it. First I start with those brown chippy things, then the chex, then the breadsticks, and then the pretzels when there is absolutely nothing left to allow me to avoid the pretzels. The brown chippy things are my favorite.

So the other day I was at Walmart buying Chex Mix, and while reaching for a bag I heard choose the right. It took me a little off guard. So, of course, I reach for the left bag, which was the bag I had originally been reaching for. Then that gentle little choose the right turned into CHOOSE THE RIGHT CHOOSE THE RIGHT CHOOSE THE FRIGGIN' RIGHT, DARN YOU! Internal me was all ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT, I'LL CHOOSE THE RIGHT. And so I did. Let me tell you, that bag was the best bag ever, because it was chock full of little brown chippy things.

Moral: Read your scriptures. It'll give you spiritual Chex Mix.

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahahaha! That's fantastic! Gosh I miss you. The little breadsticks are my favorite.
