Saturday, March 31, 2012

How My Paper is Coming Along

I curse the English gods!

And also the procrastination gods. Maybe the YouTube gods. Definitely the recipe-blog gods.

Friday, March 30, 2012

My Internal Psyche is Talking To Me Again

Why are you blogging? You have a twelve-page paper to write (due at 2), and you didn't pull an all-nighter as planned! Get back to work, lazy bum! No shower for you if you don't finish!

Alright, maybe a shower before, but only so your spiky hair stops distracting you, and so you can think up new ideas for your paper! Now make up your mind and get to work! Oh, and get some food! Your brain is tired of running on empty!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

If at First You Don't Succeed....

....all-nighters may not be for you.

Last night's failed. Trying again tonight!

This paper WILL be written!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Finals Week

The week that I wake up with  my hair sticking up making me look like a chicken. And I don't care.

I'd like to apologize now to anyone who sees me in public.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Oh, the Places You'll Go (to Sleep)

The couch is my favorite place to sleep.

The Hunger Games

Gracious roommate took me to see The Hunger Games on Saturday. 

One word: AMAZING. 

Were my favorite characters the main characters? Of course not. I was in love with President Snow, Caesar, and Seneca Crane. And Effie. Well, mostly Effie's face. I also really like Clove, the knife-throwing girl. Gale was amazing, Peeta was spectacular, and Katniss...well, I've always thought that Katniss was selfish and manipulative (but I guess the Games make you that way). So I didn't not like Katniss any less than in the books. 

So roommate and I are loving the movie, loving the after-movie-awesomeness feelings, and we start the walk home. On the walk home two very humorous things happen: 

1. We walked past a dog held back by its owner that looked like the mutts in the arena. We walked very carefully around them. 

2. We heard what sounded like a canon shot, and anxiously looked up to see the picture of the fallen tribute. 

Hunger Games. It'll mess with your mind. 

Please Forgive My Inevitable Tardiness

Maybe trying to make up for missed blog posts is too much. Let's try this again....

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tooth Fairies Aren't For Adults

The most popular topic I've been seeing around is The Hunger Games. The second most popular topic has been wisdom teeth.

This strikes me as odd. 

Maybe it's just my internet friends reaching the age where wisdom teeth are starting to become a problem. They've never really been one for me. Here's my wisdom teeth story:

The last time I got my teeth checked out, they took an x-ray of my teeth. My brother (the next sibling after me) was also getting his teeth cleaned/x-rayed. The nurse/attendant/people were pretty excited after looking at my x-ray, and they eagerly showed it to the dentist. He got excited, too. And then they saw my brother's x-rays. They went bonkers. 

My brother and I both have only three wisdom teeth. Having one patient with three wisdom teeth is pretty rare, I guess, and finding a brother-sister duo with that is even more rare. Apparently my mother gave birth to three-wisdom-teeth-babies. Needless to say, I was greatly amused by how excited everyone got. It would have made me giggle, had I not had that annoying sucky-hose in my mouth.

And that's my wisdom teeth story. They're still in my mouth. The dentist said I should wait before getting them pulled. My mom still has hers. Maybe I never will. *Flippant shrug*

Oh, and tooth fairies don't care how many teeth you give them after you start growing up. They still won't give you money for them. For this, I continue to eye them maliciously. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Apologies

Each day that passed by without me blogging was a "Oh, dear, now I have to do TWO blogs to make for it!" And it wasn't too bad.

Until it started being more than two.

So now I'm restarting (and crossing my fingers it works this time). I need more interesting things to talk about. Suggestions, anyone?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Today = Success

I ate
-Dairy Queen Blizzard

I bought
-2 potatoes
-3 onions
-6 eggs

I also made my roommate laugh. Victory.


I really am terrible at writing in this thing every day, aren't I?

At least I write enough blog posts to make up for it!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oh So Pretty

I went to a Mary Kay party thing tonight. Several good things happened.

1. I found a foundation to match my skin tone. Do you know how hard that is to find? Extremely. And it has been found.

2. My skin looks and feels better than I have ever remembered it feeling. Thank you, moisturizer!

3. The woman leading the demonstration told me that I would have the perfect personality to sell this stuff. Which I am considering doing. Pretty seriously.

And now for something that didn't happen at the Mary Kay party.

I had my second conducting test in my music class today. I conduct the song, go sit down, and my professor says that I "have a kind face" that is "always smiling". That completely made my day.

I feel pretty, I feel happy, and I got to talk to my mother for over two hours. It's been a rather fantastic day.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Kingdom of Ugggggggh

Sometimes hormones can be wonderful things.

This is not one of those times.

A Little Bit of Sunday Slack

You may have to forgive me if I regularly forget to blog on Sundays. I spend so much time burning my eyes out during the week, I try to look at my computer as little as possible. Instead, I read good books. And go make Key Lime Pies with my friends.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


These are the days that I swear I'll do homework.

And then I never do.

Friday, March 2, 2012


The movie that most assuredly keeps its lady viewers in mind.

Level of Productivity

It doesn't exist after 5 pm. I keep trying to convince myself that I'll do homework after that time, but all I do is watch Chopped on Hulu. Which makes me want to cook. And then I have to eat what I cook. And then I watch Hulu while I eat (probably more Chopped). It's an endless cycle.

I'm an Old Lady

No kidding. I kept slipping and sliding on the ice, and twisted my gimp knee. And my hip hurts when I walk.

Oh, cruel world! Next I'll be seeing the gray hairs!


I haven't been blogging for two days! No! So soon is the futility of my endeavors shown!

So I could either write three blogs today to make up for lost information, or I could just keep on going from here. I think I like the three blogs things better.