Monday, October 29, 2012


Guys, I have a social life!

No, no, really, this is a real-life social life, not me hanging with my roommates on Sunday nights watching GILMORE GIRLS. This is a I-spend-every-weekend-over-at-their-apartment-and-most-weekdays-too social life. It's a group of five of us, loathing at least one of our roommates, and living in Wintry Collegetown together, bemoaning our fate of snow and lack of romantic relationships. And we call ourselves the Clan (a title of my own making, might I add).

Here's my Clan:

We're very much shipped with each other. Life is good.

If You Had The Chance To Change Your [insert fate here], Would Ya?

Here's a quick lineup of my roommates:
Me (Sassy)
Peaches (my favorite)
Skittles (you met her two posts ago)

About a week and two days ago I took my roommates (plus two members of my Clan) and we went to go see BRAVE for Sunshine's birthday. Now, I had already seen BRAVE over the summer with my mother and most of my younger siblings.

I hadn't liked it.

I don't know why; it was so bland to me. But watching it this second time, I fell in love with it. I'm not going to compare it to TANGLED, because everyone does and I really don't think they're in the same ball park, but it was very good. Extremely good. So good that there is a possibility that I might buy it when it comes out (which I still haven't done for TANGLED. Oops).

Sunshine had a good time, Peaches and I learned to love the movie (she had seen it before and hadn't cared for it, either), and I got popcorn. The dollar theater here in Collegetown is rather amazing.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman, Pt. 2

This movie made absolutely no sense. WHY DO I LIKE IT.

It must be because it's pretty.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman, Pt. 1

Roommate (Skittles) and I went to Walmart to get SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN and to eat Subway. It turned out that it was Customer Appreciation Day, and so we got two subs for the price of one. They were amazing, to say the least. We carried them home, and when we got home, I handed Skittles the wrong sub and so she took a gaping bite of mine. She gave me a gaping bite of hers in return.

I've heard that SNOW WHITE is not the best of movies, but I want to watch it anyway. Almost a kind of morbid fascination with terrible movies, I guess. And I want to see the creepy evil queen. Of creep. And evil.

I'll post my verdict here post-movie.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I Love Movies

Guys, I have a lot of movies. And when I say 'a lot', it's more like...


200 movies, guys. And with this next paycheck, I'm going to be getting more (JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, I'm looking at you).

This means wonderful weekends with roommates. I love this.